Trustworthy Attorneys
Dedicated to Seeking Your Justice

About Robinson and Associates, P.C.

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Dedicated. Passionate. Tenacious.

Robinson and Associates, P.C. represents individuals, providing our clients with the legal representation they need to resolve the critical issues impacting their lives and their families. We litigate with dedication, passion and tenacity, in pursuit of justice for our clients when their rights have been violated.
While our clients approach us from different circumstances, they all have the same need: legal counsel who put their clients' interests first, give them sound advice, defend, protect, and fight for their rights. Robinson and Associates, P.C. is committed to meeting the needs of all of our clients.

We are well-prepared, forceful, creative and cost-effective attorneys. Our expertise, drive and dedication will help you achieve the best possible result with a prosecution tailored to your case.

David A. Robinson has been in practice for over 36 years, with police experience both in the field and in practice extending over 45 years. In the past, David held seats on the executive board of the Michigan Trial Lawyers Association and presently sits on the executive board of the National Lawyers Guild. David has lectured on the subject of police misconduct at seminars for various organizations and has appeared on Birmingham Public Cable Television, and on "For My People" for a discussion of litigating plaintiff cases in the area of police misconduct.

David also sits on the executive board of the National Police Accountability Project. NPAP is a national organization of lawyers who specifically challenge police misbehavior where there is evidence of injury and Constitutional wrong.

On June 11, 2024 David was requested to speak before the California Senate Committee on Bill 1814 regarding facial recognition. His client, Michael Oliver, was wrongfully arrested based on a misidentification. The California ACLU is contesting the Bill because it offers no real protection to persons like Michael and will, in fact, serve only to codify into law the true short comings of facial recognition and further misidentifications of persons of color.